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Hello everybody!
Thank you for coming to my site with your spare time. I made this website for a project for my school. I consist this website to being a food blog where I will:
-Show you restaurants I've been to, and their quality.
-I will present to you their websites, the menu, the address, and if the experience in the restaurant was worth it!

I personally think that my parents educated me well food wise and I really appreciate it. I chose this topic because I love learning about food and nutrition , how to manage a restaurant, and I think I might be a chef when I get a job sometime. Also at least two people told me I should start a food blog, so here it is!
I will try overtime to include restaurants that are out of my country, for the people who live overseas, and for the people who travel a lot. My family travels quite a bit, so I can show you multiple restaurants around the globe. 

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